Not a lot of things happened this week so I will just start with thanksgiving. It was so fun! We kind organized a thanksgiving activity for our English course and for our members and it turned out really well. We did a little activity that I remember doing in all of elementary school where you outline your hand on a piece of paper and make your hand into a turkey and they we had them write four things they were grateful for on the wings which was fun and they seemed to like it. Then we ate!! It was definitely an Italian style thanksgiving but I did eat turkey and mashed potatoes and gravy, so it was a success. We shared with them this incredible quote from President Uchtdorf about gratitude, "We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. How much of life do we miss by waiting to see the rainbow before thanking God that there is rain? Being grateful in times of distress does not mean that we are pleased with our circumstances. It does mean that through the eyes of faith we look beyond our present-day challenges. This is not a gratitude of the lips but of the soul. It is a gratitude that heals the heart and expands the mind." DONT EVER FORGET TO THANK HEAVENLY FATHER FOR THE RAIN!!!
This past week Sorella Demann and I had to discontinue teaching (I don't want to say drop because I hate using that term) three of our investigators this week. They are not ready at this time to accept the message that we have to offer and although it is really sad at times, I just felt like that was the thing for us to do. We had to stop teaching Ida and nida because it is dangerous for them and for us, but it was really sad because she has such a big desire. Now is just not the time. I felt so at peace with stopping teaching every single one of these people. We have been set apart and called to find those who are ready to accept this message and if we continue to teach these people who aren't ready right now, we are losing precious time!! There is never enough time!!!!
This past week we have been trying to do some really good planning to find new investigators and as we have contacted people on the streets I have been incredibly amazed by how kind the people have been to us. We have yet to find someone who has wanted to learn more about our message, but every single person has been so kind and I know that is a blessing from Heavenly Father. Sorella Demann is doing such an incredible job. I can only imagine what it must be like to be in your first city for a week, you don't know the language, you lose three of your investigators in one week, you're doing finding everyday, on top of adjusting to living in a different country and she is killing it!! We are having a lot of fun and just trying to laugh. She bore her testimony in church on Sunday and she gave the most heartfelt testimony and I just had the biggest smile on my face the whole time. Proud moment.
We also saw the BIGGEST miracle in church this week. We showed up to church and had figured out a way for one of our less actives to get to church so she was able to be there (first time in about four weeks), then our investigator noemi was there and she wasn't really going to come, AND THEN we saw Sorella Ferraro! She is a less active we have been working with and I have never seen her in church except for yesterday she came and brought two non member friends and her non member husband!!!!! Fratello Lomonaco (our ward mission leader) was sitting on the stand and like got my attention and mouthed something about Sorella Ferraro and I said, "no she's not here again" and then he like motioned behind me and I turned and looked and saw all four of them and was so happy!!! I can't describe the joy that comes when you see people taking steps toward coming closer to Heavenly Father. It is a joy that is indescribable.
On December 1 the church's Christmas program for this year will start. If you don't know about it, then go look up It is an incredible program that will help all of us to grow to be like our Savior. And it is a chance for us to be LIGHTS in this world of DARKNESS!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
As you all could probably tell I was kind of freaking out about training and I would like you all to know that every single one of my fears has been wiped away. I have felt your prayers and Heavenly Father has blessed us with so many miracles every single day. It is incredible to be able to just soak up this experience everyday. To be able to laugh about the hard and awkward times and to be able to feel the love of the savior lift the burdens from my back. I feel so blessed to be on a mission and to be taking the steps toward coming to know and understand my Savior.
There are a lot of times in my mission when I have asked the question, WHY??? W H Y. But the thing that I automatically do when I ask that question is smile. Because I don't have to know why. All I have to know is that there is a plan. He knows. Not me. I just have faith in Him. Trust in Him. Jesus Christ knew very well before performing the atonement that not all of Heavenly Father's children were going to return back to Him. But He suffered for EVERY SINGLE one of them so they could have the CHANCE to return to Him. That is an amount of love that no one on this earth will ever be able to understand.
Like it states in the living Christ:
God be thanked for the MATCHLESS GIFT of His divine son
I love you all and hope you will always be able to remember just exactly what He did for us during THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR (polar express)
Con tantissimo amore
Sorella G
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